Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Prayer is so Powerful

Hey there folks! Over the past couple of months I have changed, a lot. Most of it I made an effort to change and then some of it just came a long with my efforts. One of the things I changed in myself was prayer. How I pray, when I pray, where I pray, and what I pray for. I pray more intently, I pray A LOT more often, I pray anywhere, and I pray for basically everything. If I am nervous, I pray. If I am sad or angry, I pray. If I am happy or feeling grateful (which is pretty much always), I pray. If i need help or a friend needs help, I pray. this new habit of mine is so great and I highly recommend we all pray all the time.  Because of all of my prayers I feel the spirit with me, I am so much happier, and I am a lot more aware of what is going on around me. This past week I have had several experiences with prayer. 

One of these times my prayer was answered during the prayer. Isn't that cool? Nothing like this had ever happened to me and it was so awesome. When I knelt down, I was pretty upset and just wanted a way to let my emotions out. So in reality I just wanted to cry. I have a very hard time letting myself cry because I tell myself it is a sign of weakness. So I prayed and cried and it was super awesome and I stood up feeling so much better about life. The next day I had pretty much the opposite experience. I was crying uncontrollably and I felt like Satan was keeping me from thinking about what I needed to think about and I know that he was making me feel super angry and flustered. So there I was kneeling in my room asking for the opposite of what I had asked for the day before. About 30 seconds after I said amen, my crying didn't just fade out, it just stopped. It was insane. When the crying ceased, so did all the feelings of anger and confusion. I immediately knew what I needed to do and everything worked out perfectly. The difference in feeling I had was incredible and I can't even describe it. So the following day I had this super amazing experience with prayer. I had been praying for a few weeks for a friend and for them to be helped with what they needed. I was texting this friend and had casually mentioned they go read a certain conference talk about hope, and they did. (If you would like to read/ listen to this talk click here.) After they read this talk they told me that this talk helped them with exactly what they needed. My prayers were answered and that feeling is so wonderful.  

If you put to much thought into it, like I have, prayer looks strange. Kneeling with your eyes closed and just speaking to air. If you have not prayed, try it!! Once we get over the fact that it looks strange and actually try it, it will work. I love to pray and hope that you do too! Pray wherever and whenever!

Here is a super awesome talk on prayer that everyone should listen to!


  1. Those moments are wonderful. I'm so glad you wrote it down to remember, because for some reason I always remember the ones that aren't answered (still heard mind you), and sometimes some of the power of the answered ones fades. I think we could all say it is normal to not receive earth shattering answers, but even still, they are heard. This is a quote I recently read and really liked : "I strongly suspect that if we saw all the difference even the tiniest of our prayers make, and all the people those little prayers were destined to affect, and all the consequences of those prayers down through the centuries, we would be so paralyzed with awe at the power of prayer that we would be unable to get up off our knees for the rest of our lives."
    -Peter Kreeft
