Saturday, September 2, 2017

One Month Down..... Seventeen to Go!

Hola amigos!

I LOVED THE PICTURES OF BECKETT. I showed everyone!! If he does say my name you have to record it and send it to me!!

This week has been so fast. I blinked and it was gone! On Sunday, we heard from Gary Crittenden the managing Director of the Missionary Department. It was really cool he told us that as of Sunday there were approximately 2,694 missionaries in the MTC. That alone is such a testimony builder for me. To run something like the MTC for 2700 people is insane. Meals are crazy but everyone gets fed and its just amazing how everything works here and runs relatively smoothly. He talked about three decisions we need to make on our missions that will help us  be successful:

  • Take good care of your body on your mission. 
  • Serve with all your heart,  might, mind and strength. 
  • Live to be worthy of the Spirit. 

These things seem to be really simple but can really determine how your mission goes. Sometimes I struggle remembering to do some of these things but this was a really good reminder for me to take care of myself so I can take care of others.

Tuesday devotional we heard from Christopher Waddle, the second counselor int he Presiding Bishopric. He talked about some concerns some of the 12 have with missionaries right now. The main thing he discussed was the importance of the Book of Mormon. They feel like it is not getting stressed like it should. Which is insane because the Book of Mormon is the most important thing we have in our gospel. It changes lives. It should be our anchor.

We taught our investigator three times this week. She committed her to baptism and she said she would get baptized on the 9th of September. (She is already a member and not actually going to get baptized but there are some people that are not actually members that some people in our district taught.) She had so many questions about the translation process of the Book of Mormon. When she finally accepted the fact the Joseph Smith was uneducated and had to do it by the power of God she realized that he was a true prophet. The next lesson we talked about the commandments like chasity, the word of wisdom, and the law of tithing. She had a hard time accepting tithing and the fact that they "are so strict". But then we shared Mosiah 2:22-24 with her where it talks about if Christ gave up his life for us, and God has given us everything that we have, we can do what He commands. The Spirit was so strong and she cried and it was incredible. She decided that she could give up a little because she has been given so much. This was in our last lesson with her and it was just amazing.

On Friday we got our travel plans!!!!! I fly out on September 11th, at like 7 am but I have to report to the travel office at 3:30!! I am so excited but super nervous because I feel like I still don't know enough Spanish! But the Lord will be with me!!

Only 1 more week in the MTC!! It insane!! :)
I love you guys all so so much!!
We attempted to match lol but it didn't work too well
Our investigator, Adrianna! She really is a happy person even though she doesn't look too happy!!

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