Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Hey sir, there is a frog right there

Hola amigos!

So funny story, Hermana Clark and I had not even heard a thing about the hurricane until Sunday night on our conference call with the leaders in the mission that there was going to be a hurricane hahaha! At our mission conference they told us to make sure we had everything we needed to survive even if we need to buy it Monday night. So we go to Walmart on Monday evening and it was actually really cool because we got stopped by a less active member whose house we had knocked earlier that evening but couldn't get a hold of. We got his phone number and set up a time to meet! Then someone else stopped us and asked about English class! It was awesome :)

Yesterday, Elder Haynie of the 70 came to the mission and spoke to us. A lot of what he talked on was gathering scattered Israel and bringing them to the gospel. I know that is what we are doing and that it is a great work. He also talked about letting the mission change us and letting Christ change us. I like to think I have changed on my mission, I am not super sure haha but  I know for a fact that my testimony has and that it has gotten so strong. I know that this is the restored church of Jesus Christ and I know that everything I have is because of Him. I love my Savior with all my heart.

We had another lesson with Rosario, Miguel and their family. We start every lesson with a song and singing with them is some of the best minutes of my week. The spirit is so strong whenever we are singing. We read part of Enos with them because Miguel (the father) had not read in the scriptures yet. We had another family with us that they are friends with and it was great. We invited t hem to read and pray as a family every day and they told us on Saturday that they had done it!! they were not able to come to church this week but we have a lesson with them later in the week and we are going to teach the plan of salvation and I am so excited to tell them that they can live forever as a family.

We had a couple of exchanges this week and on one of them we talked with a man that has had a crazy past in Brooklyn, New York. He talked about how he has done some things that he is not proud of and got a little teary eyed. As we testified of the Book of Mormon you could see a change in his countenance and it was incredible. I know that there is serious power that comes from that book.

We also talked to a man that is an atheist but wants to have a belief in God but feels like  he can't because there are so many unanswered questions. Same kind of scenario. We testified of the Book of Mormon and his countenance changed. He asked us that if he should read one part, what should he read. We gave him 3 Nephi 11 and then Sister Cummings said, "if you want to read when I knew the Book of Mormon is true, just read to chapter 17" and then I told him that if he wanted to read when I got the first confirmation of the book of Mormon that he should read chapters 18 and 19 as well. It was awesome. They have an appointment with him later this week as well.

We have had some super cool contacts with people that have a hunger to learn and to read the Book of Mormon! I know they can feel the spirit when we are with them. Its awesome!

On Sunday we were knocking on a door and we saw a frog that was sitting on the outlet right next to the door.. it was pretty cool. So we talk to this guy who was not at all interested but Hermana Clark was going to do everything she could to get him to listen so she said "Hey sir, look how cool this is, there is a frog right there!!" hahahahah! This man did not think it was super cool and told us to have a good night and shut the door! It was super funny! maybe you had to be there? hahah!

I love you all and hope you have a great week! I hope you all have a chance to strengthen the faith you have in the Savior every day :)

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