Sunday, October 16, 2016


Trials. We all have them. Big and small, they are there and they always will be. I honestly believe there is never a time in our lives when we are not going through something. Satan is always trying to get to us. Trying to get us to give up and give in to his evil ways. And guess what? It is up to us to to decide how we are going to handle them. Are we going to take it upon ourselves do it all on our own? Or are we going to use what has been given to us by our Father in Heaven? The atonement. This amazing gift can help us through literally EVERYTHING. Whether it is something small like being sad because you spilled punch on your white shirt or something huge like death or terminal illness. He is there for us. Jesus Christ chose to suffer for our sins so we would not have to. I seriously amazes me that anyone would do that. I cannot even comprehend the sadness and pain that He must have felt as He willingly went into the Garden of Gethsemane. I literally have no idea how He did it. I will be in debt to Him forever. As I apply the Atonement into my life I have learned my TRIALS DO NOT DEFINE ME. Yes, I have them and yes they can sometimes consume my feelings and emotions but they are not me. They can help shape who I am, but I am not my trials. I feel like we often get so caught up in our problems and trials that we let them run our lives. Yes, they are something that deserve our attention but they should not overtake us. As they overtake us, they push us closer to giving up. We cannot give up. Christ isn't give up in the garden, we cannot give up either. Heavenly Father does not give up on us so we cannot give up on USB either.  We can still be happy, thankful, and ourselves. As troubling as they can be, we should also be thankful for the trails we are given. Yes, they are awful and sometimes very painful but in the end, they build us to be stronger, and hopefully happier. I promise if we trust what in what God has planned for us and if we trust in the Atonement everythin will work perfectly.

"You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come."
-Elder Jeffery R. Holland-