Wednesday, December 14, 2016

First Semester of College + Scriptures

First semester of college ΓΌ If any of you read my Anxious, Nervous, Nerves post, you know how nervous I was for college. But I'm happy to report... I survived. It was definitley a new experience for me. I had to learn so much, for school and about myself. My social life was definitley not as exciting as I would have liked it to be but I am so thankful for the friends that I got to hang out with during the semester. I am so thankful for the people that are in my life and that are constantly there for me. 
During this semester I had my ups and my downs as does every college student, with stress and being this age and just everything. During the down times I sometimes would just kind of dwell in my pool of sadness but I decided that was probably not a great way to deal with things. I tried to become enthralled with the scriptures. I love the scriptures so much and my love for the grew greater during this semester. The scriptures didn't give me the instructions I needed for my classes, thankfully I had textbooks for those. The scriptures definitley are my textbook for life. The Book of Mormon speaks to my soul everytime I read from it. The Spirit is in the words. Its crazy how something written so long ago by people I do not personally know, can be so relavent to me personally and to society today. I gained some new understanding of some subjects, especially the atonement, justice and mercy. (My favorite chapter that I learned about these subjects is Alma 42.) These past few months have been a little rough, but from the help of my faimly, friends, and the gospel, especially the scriptures I have become thankful for the hard times that I went through. The scriptures are so great. The gospel is so great. The atonement is so great. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are so great. 

My go to scriptures and chapters:
Alma 26 especially verse 12
Alma 34:27
Alma 42
3 Nephi 9: 14
3 Nephi 10-27
Ether 12... I love the whole chapter but especially verse 27
Alma 42 is seriously so amazing. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Science & God

This whole world is science. Its kind of crazy to think about. Most everything can be traced back to scientific reasoning, but where did science come from? God. Science was created by God. Learning about science strengthens my testimony every time I learn something new. Its crazy. The earth and our bodies are so incredible and work in so many different ways. People study science for their entire lives and cannot comprehend how it all works together to produce what it does. That my friends, is not by chance and there has to be someone behind it all. I truly believe that someone is Heavenly Father.

Think of every way your genetics have impacted your life. What you look like, how your body reacts to things, how your life would be different if your genetic makeup was different.  Recently I was in my biology class and my biology teacher talked about how every single person is 1 of 70 trillion genetic possibilities. I don't know about you but I think that is crazy! If my body looked or acted different, my life could be completely different. (I am trying to stay away from the argument of Nurture vs. Nature... think strictly nature) I could be in a different place. If I were a few inches taller I could be off playing basketball in college, but that isn't for me. God knew that. Yes, there are a few other things that played into my decision but my height was a major reason. This is one of many ways my genetics have impacted my life. I have talked to some people who have had trials with their health and they said they wouldn't change it for a second because of the strength they have gained and knowledge they have received.

In reality it all comes down to the fact that God knows us. He knows us all individually and He knows what we need in this life. Our genetics were pre-determined. When He created us, He put so much thought and effort into crafting a body perfect for the lifestyle each person would live on earth. The human body alone shows how much love Heavenly Father has for us. The earth is so beautiful because of science. Think of all the beautiful sunrises and sunsets that are produced through science. There are so many amazing things God has created because He loves us.

I am so thankful to have a Heavenly Father that loves me so much that He gave me a body that can do so many amazing things. I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father that loves all of His children so much that He gave us a beautiful earth to enjoy. I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Trials. We all have them. Big and small, they are there and they always will be. I honestly believe there is never a time in our lives when we are not going through something. Satan is always trying to get to us. Trying to get us to give up and give in to his evil ways. And guess what? It is up to us to to decide how we are going to handle them. Are we going to take it upon ourselves do it all on our own? Or are we going to use what has been given to us by our Father in Heaven? The atonement. This amazing gift can help us through literally EVERYTHING. Whether it is something small like being sad because you spilled punch on your white shirt or something huge like death or terminal illness. He is there for us. Jesus Christ chose to suffer for our sins so we would not have to. I seriously amazes me that anyone would do that. I cannot even comprehend the sadness and pain that He must have felt as He willingly went into the Garden of Gethsemane. I literally have no idea how He did it. I will be in debt to Him forever. As I apply the Atonement into my life I have learned my TRIALS DO NOT DEFINE ME. Yes, I have them and yes they can sometimes consume my feelings and emotions but they are not me. They can help shape who I am, but I am not my trials. I feel like we often get so caught up in our problems and trials that we let them run our lives. Yes, they are something that deserve our attention but they should not overtake us. As they overtake us, they push us closer to giving up. We cannot give up. Christ isn't give up in the garden, we cannot give up either. Heavenly Father does not give up on us so we cannot give up on USB either.  We can still be happy, thankful, and ourselves. As troubling as they can be, we should also be thankful for the trails we are given. Yes, they are awful and sometimes very painful but in the end, they build us to be stronger, and hopefully happier. I promise if we trust what in what God has planned for us and if we trust in the Atonement everythin will work perfectly.

"You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come."
-Elder Jeffery R. Holland-

Thursday, September 22, 2016

To My Children Part 2

Hey kids. In the past year I've picked up on a few things in life. Keep in mind that right now I'm just 18 years old so I really don't know very much even though I may act like I know everything, because that's what all teenagers do. (; One thing I am starting to get a grasp on is opposition. When you are told: "there must be opposition in all things", IT IS TRUE. 2 Nephi 2:11 says "It must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so,... righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor miser, neither good nor bad". If something is good you must know the bad to appreciate it. If you know sadness you know happiness. Isn't that an interesting thought? If you did not know the feeling of sadness you could not truly comprehend the feeling of happiness and joy. Next time you are feeling sad, angry, depressed, or completely lost, please try to remember those are the feelings that give you the power to appreciate all the amazing and happy things in your life.

I have tried to do this when I am feeling down and it really helps me. It doesn't take away the negative feelings but it helped me find things to be thankful for. As I was doing this one day I had this overwhelming feeling that Christ knew exactly what I was feeling. This brought me so much joy because no matter how hard we try to describe a feeling to someone, they never know exactly what we are feeling or thinking, but Christ does. Once I had this epiphany, I grew closer to my Savior. My darkest times improve my relationship with Christ. When I feel sorrow I picture Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane feeling EXACTLY how I am feeling. He did this for me and for you. All those times when you feel like you are in a dark hole that you will never get out of, Christ has felt that too. Its crazy to think that someone would feel all of the sadness and pain you have felt, exactly how you are feeling it but He did it because He loves you. Please try to remember that as you are going through these hard times. Use them to bring you closer to Christ and use them as an opportunity to be thankful to your Heavenly Father because He knows what is best for you. I know you are not here yet but I love you so very much and cannot wait to meet you.

Here is a song that I love and I promise the lyrics can help you in your own life if you let them speak to you.... and yes it is from the cartoon, Joseph and the King of Dreams.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

First day of College

I have officially started college. It isn't as horrible as I thought it would be.   On my first day I got to my first class super early abecasue I was paranoid that I was going to be late or not be able to find my class. I was sitting there by myself and a guy I had a classs with my senior year walked into my class.  We kind of new each other so he sat by me and we talked for a little. It was so comforting knowing that I somewhat knew someone in my class. We don't talk much but we sit by each other every day becasuse we both wanted familarity.  I went to my next class and sat alone and didn't talk to anyone which actually isn't the worse thing ever! I was on my way to biology and I see a freind who I played softball since I was eight all the way until my senior year of high school. We talked and we discovered that we were in the same biology class! I was so excited and relieved. This class is suppose to be my hardest class and it is so nice to have someone i know that I can go over all the material with. In between my biology and religion class I normally have institute but that didn't start until the second week, so I met up with one of my friends and we went to one of the buildings to hang out. We ran into one of my friends who I have known all my life. We talked with here when we figured out that we have institute and world religions together. It was so crazy but made me extremely happy and really calmed me down about school.

Rewind to the night before my first day of college. I was still feeling so nervous. I decided I needed to ask my Dad for a blessing. This was something that was really hard for me for some reason. Satan. Satan made me believe my Dad wouldn't want to give me a blessing. I am so thankful i got the courage to ask because it changed my whole perspective on school. At the end of that blessing I knew I could go to school and be perfectly fine. I felt so calm and I even felt a little excited. My nerves and anxiousness immediately when to tranquility and excitement. I know this was the Spirit of God telling me He loves me and He is watching over me. I am so thankful my Dad holds the preisthood and is willing to use it to help others. The preisthood is such a wonderful gift we all have accesss to. The preisthood is truly a gift from our Father in Heaven.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Anxious, nervous, nerves

I have never been so nervous for anything in my life. I think I would rather run a cross country race than go to school next week. (For those of you that know me, that is a big deal.) I can play in games in front of hundreds of people, I can run in races where I push myself to a new level physically but when it comes to going to college my mind just says no. Every time I think about school, the knot that is in my stomach grows. I don't know what it is. I'm not moving out. I'm not taking anything extremely hard. I don't know if it is the money or the thought of growing up, or maybe both. But I cannot seem to get myself to get over the nervousness.

I don't think I will get over it until I actually go to school and get in the swing of things. Everyone says "its just one step up from high school", but it feels like a million steps up from high school. I know I am a little scared to not know anyone. In reality, I think I'm more scared to not be known, if that makes any sense. Its not like anyone and everyone knew me in high school, but I did know a lot of people and I had a lot of friends. I never went to a class and had "no one" to sit by. I always had one or two people that I was friends with and I could talk to. That is not going to be the case at college.

I also have this fear of the unknown. I freak out when I go somewhere or do something and I don't know exactly what is going on. It was so easy at Murray because I always knew what was going on and if I didn't, I just had to text someone and ask. I don't know what is going to be happening at SLCC. I'm pretty sure this is what frightens me most. As I think about my future in college and just life in general the unknown is what scares me most. I am trying to change my mindset because I know that the unknown can also bring great surprises and adventures. So  here I am, literally arguing with myself about college.  I know it is going to be fine and I'm trying to be excited because I know it will bring great things into my life. Then I have this part of me that is telling my brain about how everything could go wrong, how I am going to get yelled at, walk into the wrong class, be told that my class section was cancelled and they forgot to let me know, or the worst thing that could happen, somehow they decide to charge me more money than what I'm already expecting. Yes, I know that most of these are very unlikely but I don't know how to get them out of my brain.

Right now I keep talking to my siblings that are in college and they are trying to calm me down.  I'm praying often to have The Spirit with me as I go to college. I know I have my Heavenly Father on my side and that is why I know everything will work out.

"The only real difference between anxiety and excitement was my willingness to let go of fear"- Barbra Brown Taylor

Stay tuned for my college adventures.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Failing Forward

 Imagine someone is trying to walk down a long and narrow road. Everytime they attempt to take a step forward they fall to their hands and knees. Since they are falling, they are failng. Since they are falling to their hand and knees they are falling forward and making progress. Isn't that weird to think about? They could be falling with every step, but as long as they keep falling forward, getting up, and falling forward again they are making progress.

Isn't this like life? The first thing I thought of when I thought aobut this was, this is how I should be when trying to be like Christ. I may fail but I need to be failing in the right direction. Progress is essential in this life and this is the way that I often find myself progressing. It is slow and painful and it doesn't feel like I am making progress but after many fails and falls, I look back and realize that I have come further than I ever thought I would.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this is prevelant in every aspect of my life. Being a better employee, a better friend, a better sister, a better servant of the Lord, and a better daughter. I am constantly trying to become a better daughter to my parents here on this earth, and to my Heavenly parents. I know its hard to be my parent, but I wake up every morning with the intent to become a better person so I can make all of my parent's job a little bit easier. Do I succeed? I'm sure trying. Its a process that takes a long time and it includes lots of failing. Thankfully, my Heavenly Father is helping me fall in the right direction.

A key part to this whole thing is getting back up. Falling forward is great but as soon as we choose to stay on the ground, that halts our progression. I will admit, occasionally I will stay on that hard ground longer than I should but so far in my life I have gotten up every time and tried to stay on my feet a little bit longer than I did the last time. Everytime I have chosen to get up, I was not by myself. I know Jesus Christ was with me, extending his hand to help me get up, or sometimes He had to pick me up and place me on my feet in the right direction.

I am so thankful to those that have been with me while I fail. Many of the people in my life have been angels sent from my Father in heaven to pick me up and navigate me back on track.

The question I've been asked a lot lately  is "What are you up to? What are you planning to do with your life?" Right now my answer is, I'm just going to try and fail forward.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Trek 2k16 Featuring "The Donner Party"

Ten years ago or two treks ago for my stake, my two oldest brothers came back from trek. I remember sitting in our family room and they came back filthy. Then they began to inform me that they were starved and then given a piece of bread and some broth. This scared me more than anything. This made me not want to go on trek. Why would I want to go starve myself? No, don't sign me up for that. The next trek my stake went on, my parents, brother, and sister all went on. The came back with amazing reviews. They said the food was great and they all had a great time. They all loved their trek families. I was so so excited to get assigned a family, and my trek family was wonderful. I was assigned to great parents, Elvis and Stretch. (Those were the names they chose to be called on trek). They took great care of me and the rest of my family and treated us just like their own kids. We decided to call ourselves "The Donner Party".  If anyone commented on our name we would respond with "Would you like to join us for dinner?", "there is always room for one more", and "you look divine tonight". It was really great and super humorous because we are funny people.

(Thanks Desirae for the all the awesome pictures!)

My awesome trek ma and I
Tug of War gets pretty intense
When it was my turn to go on trek, I was really excited. I knew we would be fed well because the church got rid of the starving thing and my parents were in charge of the food. They had my back, it was great. was pumped to go because physical labor is kind of my thing. I like moving heavy objects, sweat, work out, and feel the spirit. Trek is somewhere that you get to do all of those things. Well I was in for quite a treat. I struggled with the physical part of trek more than I thought I would. It really humbled me. I have no idea how the pioneers did it. Constantly wearing down their bodies, pushing handcarts, and then getting up the next morning just to do it again. That seems a little crazy to me. Like I said, this part of trek really humbled me.

Something else that really got me thinking was, WE HAD NO IDEA WHEN WERE GOING TO STOP. The missionaries and some leaders knew what was going on but I couldn't keep track of how far we had gone or how long we had been going. I never knew how much further we had and that drove me absolutely crazy. If I could have known when we were going to stop, I could have paced myself better and not constantly wondered when we were going to be done and eat dinner. As I was complaining to myself on the first day about this, I realized that the pioneers didn't know where they were going, when they were going to stop, or how much longer they were going to be traveling. Despite the fact that they had no clue when they would get to stop and settle in, they kept going because they KNEW it was right. Their faith was incredible. We walked around six miles a day and that was plenty for me. I have no idea how they walked, pulled, and pushed for miles and miles with no actual destination in mind. Every time I think about this I get a little bit more amazed. I seriously cannot wrap my mind around the trials my pioneer ancestors had to endure to make it to Utah. I am so thankful they had the faith and courage to follow the spirit and establish Salt Lake City. I will be forever thankful for the opportunity to go on trek and get a tiny glimpse of what the early saints had to go through just to worship what they wanted to without being tormented. I hope to have faith and a testimony as strong as the pioneers did. Thinking about the pioneers and their travels ansewres so many questions in my mind about this gospel. It must be true if people were willing to do what the pioneers did just because they wanted to live the gospel. It must be true. It is true.
Yes this is my shoe and I can do hard things. Yes I did need to think about this a few times on trek.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

That Time When I Went To High School

Alright so that was crazy, I blinked and my senior year was over and I was walking across the stage to graduate. WEIRD. It feels like yesterday that I was writing my "Last First Day of School Post". In that post I said that my first day of school went smooth and I remember while I was writing that I said a little prayer asking for all of my days to go like that. I promise you they did not. Don't get me wrong, my senior year included lots of great days but it also included days that involved mental break downs and lots of tears.

Through all the bad days and all the good days I learned so much through my senior year. I learned academic stuff,  that I love chic fil a too much, but most of all I learned that I have so many people in my life that love and support me. I made so many new friends and strengthened friendships that I already had. I look back on my senior year and I think about everything and I realize that everything happened for a reason.

My senior year brought so many lasts and honestly, a lot of them made me super sad. I tried to act like I was fine but they hurt. They hurt me just like they hurt everyone else. I had to look around and tell myself that I was not the only one going through this. I am not the only one that is growing up. I am also not the only person that has had to do this.  That is part of how I got through my senior year, looking around at all the amazing examples I have in my life and telling myself I could do it because they did and they all turned out great.

 I took early morning seminary because I'm kind of crazy and I loved every second of it. I made so many friends and got to start my day with feeling The Spirit. Taking early morning is definitely one of the best choices I have ever made. I met so many amazing people that have changed my life forever.  I owe a lot of the great days during my senior year to my early morning class and my seminary teacher.

If my kids are reading this, remember you can do hard things. That includes high school. It is a weird kind of hard that feels like it shouldn't be hard but it is. I promise you can do it if you put yourself in the right situation. Surround yourself with great friends, great values, and a great testimony.

Some of you may ask what is next for me in life. Well that is college for a year and then a mission. After that I have a pretty solid idea what I what to do but nothing is set in stone. Thank you to all that helped me get through this chapter in my life.You guys are great.

Also, here are some graduation pics.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

That Time When I Played High School Softball

I've played softball for around 12 years but if you include running around the bases at a baseball field after my brothers games, it's been as long as I could walk. Softball has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. Since I was eight years old my summers were filled with dirty uniforms, crazy tan lines, and softball games after softball games. There were some summers when I had a tournament almost every weekend. Obviously softball was a huge part of my life, a huge part of me.

Ever since I was 11 years old I dreamed of playing on the Murray High School softball team. I remember going to the games and thinking that the players were superstars. I couldn't wait for the day that I got to wear the orange and black uniforms.

These exact uniforms. This is what I looked forward to. 
My freshman year, I made the team and I could not have been more excited. We started playing and had a pretty solid season. This year started a whole new journey in my life. Softball has always been my pride and joy, since I was six years old. Then something happened, I didn't play as much as I wanted. I played all of JV but I only ran the bases in the varsity games. I actually didn't play all that much until my senior year. Some people might say that I improved a ton through my high school years, but that wasn't really the case. I just needed to be more bold and confident in my abilities on the field.  High school softball taught me so much because I learned that even when you think you deserve something, you may not get it because that decision is not yours to make.

Since I didn't play much my first couple of years, it actually made me reconsider my self worth. This was hard for me to go through. It took me through a horrible roller coaster ride of me constantly asking myself if I was good enough, and not just at softball but at life. I know that sounds dramatic but its true. I let my softball playing time define me. Now that I look back on it, I'm  positive that the people that truly care about me didn't think less of me because I didn't play, but I sure did. I felt like I had let my family down (they actually didn't care that I played less), but most of all I felt like I let my younger self down.  I now know I didn't let myself down, my plan for myself just changed. As a kid, I always told myself I would be playing college softball. Could I be playing college softball next year? Yes. I'm not going to and that is my decision.  I am going to go to college to receive an education and somehow impact this world in a positive way. I want to serve a full time mission and spread the gospel to children of God. I'm not sure I would be able to do these things and play college sports. I'm sure it can be done but it just isn't the path for me. It wasn't until I realized this completely did I start to get the amount of playing time I wanted. Some people may call this a coincidence but I really think it was a way for my Heavenly Father to tell me that He had a different but equally amazing plan in store for me. 

 I could probably write four blog posts about everything softball has taught me but I won't bore you to death.  I just wanted to thank everyone who was apart of this experience for me. All of my coaches, teammates, any fans that came and supported me, and my family. I cannot think of a single game where I didn't have at least one family member there to watch me play. I am so incredibly thankful for this opportunity and wouldn't trade it for anything. I have grown as an athlete and as person because of this sport and everyone involved with it but most of all it has helped my relationship with my Father in Heaven.

 Thanks for reading, and yes I was safe. ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

I'm Strong. I'm Capable. I'm Talented.

Holy cow. Its been a while. I've been wanting to write this for a while but I've been going a million miles a minute with zero time to sit down at a computer and do something that isn't school related.

 About a month ago I was at softball practice and we watched this motivational video and had a discussion about motivation, fear, passion, and confidence. I love talking about these topics and so when we started the discussion, I listened intently and soaked up everything that was said. Different people brought up many great points, but my favorite thing that was said was mentioned by one of my coaches. She said we need to look at ourselves with confidence and every morning when we wake up and before we go to bed say to ourselves: "I'm smart, capable, and talented."
When she said this, I really thought about it and took it to heart. I started that night by telling myself  "I'm smart, capable, and talented" right before I went to bed. When I woke up the next morning the five word phrase was the first thought through my mind. It came to me again right before I started my math test, and again before I started a tough assignment for school.  
I started doing saying this before I did anything that could possibly make me doubt my self confidence. Then I was in playing a softball game, approaching home plate and I whispered the words "I'm strong, capable, and talented."
This phrase has stuck with me and given me the little bit of extra courage to do hard things and to get through the past month. I believe it a little more each time I say it too. I have realized that each and every one of us has our own strengths and talents. It has come to me that we are all capable of accomplishing countless amazing tasks in this life. It gives me self confidence and the reminder that my Heavenly Father blessed me with strength, talents, and so much more. So please remember that each one of us have been blessed with talents to do amazing things in this life.
 I’m Strong. I’m Capable. I’m Talented. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Easter is one of those holidays that gets overlooked, but every year I gain a greater understanding of the holiday which makes me love it even more. Thinking about Jesus Christ dying for us gives me the chills, every time. Jesus Christ suffered for EVERY SINGLE one of us. Knowing this brings me comfort. Knowing that He knows how I'm feeling at all times brings me more comfort than anything else can. The atonement is the greatest gift that has been given to us and we should use it DAILY.

He died for me so I can live again. 

He suffered for my sins. 

He sacrificed himself because he loves me more than I will ever be able to comprehend.

I love my Savior, Jesus Christ very much and am forever thankful for his great sacrifice. I would not be able to live this life happily without Him. He died for us to live, so live life with a purpose. 

I would like to leave you with two of my favorite songs that speak about Jesus and His amazing act of love. Gethsemane performed by Reese Oliveira
I Stand All Amazed performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Sunday, March 6, 2016

That Time When I Played High School Basketball

About two weeks ago my high school basketball career ended. If you read my post about cross country you know that I was excited for cross country to end but that is definitely not the case for basketball. I knew as the season started it would eventually come to an end, but I didn't think it was going to go by that fast. It honestly feels like yesterday when I was at my first day of tryouts as a freshman.
A year ago there would have been no way I would have been ready to give up basketball. I would have done anything to make it extend, and I guess that is why Heavenly Father gave me four years and through that fourth year He helped me grow so much so I would be ready for this hard time. Right when it ended it was difficult because our season didn't end on a happy note but as hard as it may seem to believe, I only cried for a second. ;) I love basketball and I love my team but I know that there are bigger and better things in store for me. Every time I get sad about it ending I tell myself that I am so excited for my mission and in order for that to happen basketball has to end.
This is definitely a bittersweet time for me and the rest of the people on my team. Basketball has taught me so much about life. I have learned how to work well with other people and how to push through physical barriers. During my high school basketball career I had to make a lot of adjustments which I don't like to do. I'm not one for change but basketball has helped me get use to that. I could write an entire book about everything my teammates have done for me. They have all been so supportive to me on and off the court and I love them all. We have gotten so close and some have turned into some of my closest friends. I know I could turn to them with anything and they would help me out. I'm really going to miss that, especially once high school ends. I already miss seeing them everyday and all the jokes that were made every practice.
My fellow seniors and me
I am going to miss all hard work, sweat, close games, made shots and missed shots. I am even going to miss all the running during practice. It is so strange to think that next November I will not be at basketball tryouts running ladders and preparing for another intense season. Instead I will be in college and preparing for a mission, moving to the next phase of my life. I look forward to what Heavenly Father has planned for me. Basketball has definitely strengthened my testimony of hard work and so many other things.  
Thank you to those who have supported me at any time during my basketball journey. I am extremely sad to see it end because basketball has taught me way more than just basketball. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Ugly Ducklings

This post is inspired by the Mormon message by President Uchtdorf, it is amazing and if you do not want to read my post, that is fine. I do ask that you watch the video.
This video expresses our great worth. President Uchtdorf tells us where we come from and what that means. We are all children of God and He loves each and every one of us more than we will ever know or even be able to comprehend. His love for us is infinite. It will never stop being there and it is something we can always turn to. Some people feel like they have no one. Thinking about someone who doesn't have a family or any friends makes me extremely sad. Then I remember, that person has God. Whether or not that person knows this, I don't know. What I do know is this, Heavenly Father is there for them, He loves them, and He is mindful of them. He is mindful of every single one of us at every single moment of every day. Please keep this in mind as you go through your week.

Anyone that sees themselves as this swan saw himself when he was with the ducks is normal. I think at one point or another we have all felt out of place just like this duck. I know  I have. Now as I look back on the situations where I felt out of place or unwanted, I realized I have never really been out of place. I am always surrounded by my brothers and sisters. We are all children of God and we are fighting for the same thing. HAPPINESS. We are all on a journey for happiness. I know that this gospel brings happiness and can bring true joy to every single person's life.

I leave you with a message from me, I know this gospel is the true gospel and can bring people true happiness and joy. I know I am where I am suppose to be and I am with the people Heavenly Father wants me to be with. I know that Jesus Christ is my savior and redeemer. I love my family and the gospel more than anything.

Thank you so much for reading. (:

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Power of Music

A few days ago I was in my car driving to the dentist with my mom. I was extremely nervous for the appointment because the dentist's office is my least favorite place. We were listening to music and it calmed my nerves within minutes. That's when I asked myself, what is it about music that can impact my mood so much? I couldn't get my finger on it. So I turned to my mom and we talked about it for a while but could not come to the conclusion.

 If you're anything like me, you can  listen to a song or two and it can change your mood in a matter of minutes. Whether it is from happy to sad or sad to happy, it changes quickly. Some people are impacted by reading words but for me, simply reading the lyrics of a song is not as powerful as listening to the song. I did some research on the internet and got a few scientific answers but the answers I enjoyed most were the answers I got when I asked a handful of people why they thought music is so powerful and I got quite a few different answers. I got  few "I'm not sure why but it is really powerful."Some said that the beat speaks to our souls and songs with words add a special message. Others said it is a form of communication that we don't always understand. Music is a way our Heavenly Father sends messages to us. It is apart of us and somehow speaks to our soul through our brain. I don't have the exact answer how it works and if you have any other ideas I would really love it if you told me about them. (:

Music has been a huge part of my life the past six months. I turn to it whenever I need to be uplifted or if I want to wallow in my sadness, which probably is a horrible idea because sad music can make me so so sad. Anyways, I am honestly so thankful I have seen how positive music can be in my life. I used to not like listening to music, not because I didn't like music but because I didn't like how it made me feel. I hated the fact that I could listen to music and it could change my mood faster than I could. I guess you could call me a control freak, but I wanted to have all control over my emotions and I felt like music took that away from me. Now I turn to music at almost any time, sad, happy,upset, or nervous. Music has saved me in times of sadness, anger, and distress.I know I have my Heavenly Father to thank for creating such an incredible way to deliver messages to me. Music is another way to communicate with Heavenly Father and I will be forever thankful to have music in my life. I know music is a way to express feelings and emotions and I love it. I love listening to people express the way they feel in such a beautiful way. Thank you to those that are musically gifted and use their talents.