Sunday, March 27, 2016


Easter is one of those holidays that gets overlooked, but every year I gain a greater understanding of the holiday which makes me love it even more. Thinking about Jesus Christ dying for us gives me the chills, every time. Jesus Christ suffered for EVERY SINGLE one of us. Knowing this brings me comfort. Knowing that He knows how I'm feeling at all times brings me more comfort than anything else can. The atonement is the greatest gift that has been given to us and we should use it DAILY.

He died for me so I can live again. 

He suffered for my sins. 

He sacrificed himself because he loves me more than I will ever be able to comprehend.

I love my Savior, Jesus Christ very much and am forever thankful for his great sacrifice. I would not be able to live this life happily without Him. He died for us to live, so live life with a purpose. 

I would like to leave you with two of my favorite songs that speak about Jesus and His amazing act of love. Gethsemane performed by Reese Oliveira
I Stand All Amazed performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

1 comment:

  1. Your commitment to your faith is so strong. I hope you always feel so connected to it, as I'm sure you will. I have always thought Easter gets breezed over. Good Friday, Palm Sunday.... my friend's family celebrates those days with really cool traditions. I guess it's never to late to start them. Hope you had a great Spring Break.
