Wednesday, December 14, 2016

First Semester of College + Scriptures

First semester of college ΓΌ If any of you read my Anxious, Nervous, Nerves post, you know how nervous I was for college. But I'm happy to report... I survived. It was definitley a new experience for me. I had to learn so much, for school and about myself. My social life was definitley not as exciting as I would have liked it to be but I am so thankful for the friends that I got to hang out with during the semester. I am so thankful for the people that are in my life and that are constantly there for me. 
During this semester I had my ups and my downs as does every college student, with stress and being this age and just everything. During the down times I sometimes would just kind of dwell in my pool of sadness but I decided that was probably not a great way to deal with things. I tried to become enthralled with the scriptures. I love the scriptures so much and my love for the grew greater during this semester. The scriptures didn't give me the instructions I needed for my classes, thankfully I had textbooks for those. The scriptures definitley are my textbook for life. The Book of Mormon speaks to my soul everytime I read from it. The Spirit is in the words. Its crazy how something written so long ago by people I do not personally know, can be so relavent to me personally and to society today. I gained some new understanding of some subjects, especially the atonement, justice and mercy. (My favorite chapter that I learned about these subjects is Alma 42.) These past few months have been a little rough, but from the help of my faimly, friends, and the gospel, especially the scriptures I have become thankful for the hard times that I went through. The scriptures are so great. The gospel is so great. The atonement is so great. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are so great. 

My go to scriptures and chapters:
Alma 26 especially verse 12
Alma 34:27
Alma 42
3 Nephi 9: 14
3 Nephi 10-27
Ether 12... I love the whole chapter but especially verse 27
Alma 42 is seriously so amazing.