Monday, July 30, 2018

"I am on the phone with a Mormon right now!"

Hola amigos!

This week we knock on a door and a man opens up and we explain that we are missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and then we hear a voice yell "I am on the phone with a Mormon right now" so they invite us in and we were talking with this family with this member from an english ward on speaker phone. It was super interesting but really funny! She then took a picture of us and sent it to her friend who we saw the next day at church and then sent it to our moms. That is how you got the picture. We shared with her 3 nephi 11 and she said she would talk to her friend about it so that was cool too!

We went on two exchanges this week. One was in a little city called Culpeper. Its this cute little country town with a lot of Hispanics. We handed out 5 Book of Mormons in an hour. It was nuts. Super awesome place that smells like pickles all the time haha!

We were taught a less active and his wife this week and they are so cool. Saul and Natalie. Saul is a radiation therapist so thats super cool and I really like talking to him about that stuff! Saul  was baptized when he was 12 but has just gotten so busy that he has stopped going to church and his wife is open to learning. They only have time on the weekends for their family time with their daughter but they are willing to make time to meet with us so that is exciting! We talked a lot about the introduction to the Book of Mormon. We are going back and we are excited!

Our investigator, Roxany is ready for her baptism this saturday! She is a shy 15 year old but she wanted to make sure to have her baptism at a time that the branch could come celebrate with her. We are so pumped. We went over last night to finalize the program and she is so pumped! She credits a lot of her conversion to girls camp and I can really relate to that. I am grateful that we have a church that is dedicated to giving people opportunities to feel the Spirit.

I have been reading the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants a lot lately and I just know that we have a prophet on the earth today to lead and guide us. I know that Jesus Christ is the head of our church and that God is in the details of our lives. I know with out a doubt that we have the true church of Jesus Christ on the earth and I am lucky enough to be spreading the word of that! I love this gospel!

I love you all! Have a great week!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Inspiration and Baptismal Date!

Hola amigos!

This week has been filled with sweat and tracting and miracles. Its hot and humid here in the mouth of Virginia. My companion is helping me stay hydrated by making sure that I drink at least 5 water bottles a day... its a work in progress haha!

We were on our bikes this week and we saw a hispanic man that was not in the area book so we stopped and talked with him and shared Alma 36 with him. He was very attentive and was  so respectful. He had apparently moved in just 3 days earlier! He has a wife and a baby and said we were more than welcome to come back. The spirit was so strong while we were talking with him. It was an amazing contact.

We were on exchanges this week and I went with Hermana Bowcutt. :) She is so awesome and we went and visited this less active in our area. He has had issues with the culture of the church and some things but he still loves the doctrine. He said if anyone ever bashes on Joseph Smith he will defend them and he will defend the Book of Mormon. He says that Joseph Smith is just like Moses, Abraham and Noah. So we are hoping to work more closely with him and get him back to church. He was super funny and saves all the cards that missionaries give him and hang them up in his house!

We also had an amazing experience with one of our investigators Roxany. She has been taught everything but just is a little nervous to get baptized. We had a lesson with her and her mom on Sunday and we had been preparing all week for it. I was praying the night before and right after my prayer I told Hermana Clark that we should invite her to be baptized on August 4th. I had only met Roxany a few other times but I knew that we should do this. Roxany attended girls camp a couple of weeks ago and had a great time with the leaders. So we invited two of the leaders to our lesson. It was hard with the language thing because Roxany understands englsih but only speaks spanish and the leaders don't speak spanish but it all worked out. We taught the plan of salvation and asked Roxany and her mom which kingdom they want to end up in. The said the celestial kingdom and they knew that they have to be baptized in order to go there. Maria (the mom can't get baptized right now but its going to come soon!) We asked Roxany if she would prepare to be baptized on the 4th and she said yes! It was incredible and I am so so excited for her! I am so grateful to be able to help her make this covenant. I have known her for lke 2 weeks and already love her so much!

We had zone conference this week and President Smith talked about the war in heaven and how we have been missionaries for so long and will continue to be missionaries for eternity. I know that is true and I know taht we are so blessed to have the knowledge of the Savior and His priesthood. I love the gospel with all my heart!

I love you all!

Monday, July 9, 2018

New area....Fredericksburg!

Hola amigos!!

The fourth of July sounds like so much fun. We could hear all the fireworks but couldn't see anything because of all the trees! I hope you have a great time at camp this week. I love that place. I am grateful for our stake property and the miracles I have seen in my life from that place. The Spirit resides there and we are so luck to have it. I pray that the girls will have a spiritual experience  because I know you will create and environment for them to feel the Spirit and love of God.

This week has been insane! I left Staunton and am now in Fredericksburg! I am still a STL so I will be going on lots of exchanges because we have other sets of sisters in the zone... making a total of 8 exchanges for the transfer! So that will be exciting. :)

On Monday we went and saw a less active and ate some pizza and said a really sad goodbye haha! But on tuesday we went to waynesboro and found some new investigators for the elders to teach so that is exciting! We also got lunch with a member and ate tacos with our ward mission leader, Ivan. It was sad to say goodbye to Staunton but it went well. ON Wednesday morning we were going to visit an investigator that we hadn't taught for a while to say goodbye. We ended up having a really good conversation and ended up teaching her the restoration because she had so many questions about everything. It was awesome. She told us about her experience with missionaries in Puerto Rico (this is the same lady I wrote about a few months back that we knocked on her door right after she had been praying for us) and then she told us in the car that she just bought, there were Mormon pamphlets stuffed in the owners manual! We all agreed it was a sign and then she agreed to meet  with the elders! It was awesome!

Our two our drive to transfers was very interesting... haha... I sat with a suit case on my lap and the AC stopped working so we had the windows open the whole time.. My hair was not super awesome after  that! haha!

My new companion is Hermana Clark! She is so awesome! She is 12 weeks ahead of me on the mission and has been an STL for a while so she knows the ropes. WE have been busy with doing stuff with the other sisters in the zone and then we had a meeting in Richmond on Friday. We are teaching several people here and I have met quite a few of them and they are so awesome. I am so excited to be working here! I am excited to work with the sisters here and get to know them better! It is really going to be a great six weeks.

We have a car in this area, a chevy malibu 2017 and its super nice but we also are able to use bikes! So we went out with the bikes and boy am I out of shape but I am so glad we will be able to use them sometimes!

Church here was great. The members are so awesome and two of our investigators came.  A  9 year old and a 12 year old came to church. Their mom didn't want to come so they came by themselves and sat through sacrament meeting! There is a lady here whose name is Santa Costa and she is from Italy. She wanted me to ask dad if he knows her haha because I told her that he served there... So dad, do ya know her? lol I am attaching a picture. She doesn't really speak spanish but we had a conversation with her speaking italian and me speaking spanish so that was exciting!

We have started to put an emphasis on the Book of Mormon and really using the power it contains more in this work. It has really helped me reflect on the truthfulness of the book and how it truly is another testament of Jesus Christ. Through the Book of Mormon, I know that He lives and that because he overcame death, we will too. I love my Savior.