On Wednesday, April 5, 2017, I entered the Salt Lake temple to receive my endowment. (For those that do not know what this means, I received blessings from God and made covenants with Him). It was truly an incredible experience. It is very different than anything I have ever done, and probably very different than anything I will ever do. But let us back up to the morning before I went through the temple.
What happens before you go do a really good thing? Satan. Satan happens. I was at work driving and started freaking out. I felt like I wasn't worthy and that I shouldn't go. Of course this wasn't going to stop me because I know I am worthy and I know this was a great thing to do for my eternal progression. Then I started thinking that maybe I was doing this too early. I wasn't ready for the eternal promises I was going to make. This got me. I got really nervous and didn't know what to do. So I called a friend, she calmed me down and told me to read President Uchtdorf's talk on fear. It was incredibly helpful and I felt so confident in the decision I made.
This happens to me more than I would like. Satan gets me with fear, and we often the play a game of you're not good enough. Any time I am going to do something to bring me closer to Christ, Satan is right there. Why? Why does Satan bother with me? Why does Satan bother with us? Well, its because he knows what we are progressing. He attempts to keep us from doing anything that Heavenly Father asks us to do because he knows that we are doing things he can't. Satan sees our potential as children of God and wants to keep us from becoming the best we can be. We are progressing. He tries to talk me out of promptings because they are of God. They are good. All things God created are good. We are His creations.
I've been back to the temple a few times since then and I love it and can feel the power of God so strong when I am there.