This is Heidi, my sister/ best friend.
Most people know that Heidi and I are really close. She is my best friend. No, we have not always been this close. It wasn't until Heidi moved away for college that our relationship expanded to friends. Oh, I am so thankful for that. She is so amazing and I am truly blessed to have the relationship I have with her. I always get told "Wow you and Heidi are so close, its so awesome." Then I say "yeah its pretty great." The follow up question is always "Do you ever fight?". Then I laugh out loud. Really hard. Because, yes, we fight ALL THE TIME. I told my mom that people ask if we ever fight and she laughed, rolled her eyes, and said "sometimes, I want to say GIVE IT A REST". So Heidi and I are always communicating through snapchat or we are texting or we are together. So when I don't text her back she knows I'm upset, this happens more than I would like to admit. But for every argument, there are at least 10 happy moments.
If you are blessed enough to know Heidi, take advantage of knowing her. There is no one else I would rather go crazy about Disney with. Yes we watch World of Color at home together in our Micky Mouse onsies. There is no one else I'd rather have the boyfriend blues with. She is the best friend and sister anyone could ask for. She is the most loyal human you will ever meet. She is one of the most Christlike examples I have in my life. I am sure Heavenly Father knew I would need an example like her in my life and put us in the same family. We both need each other and I would not trade my relationship with her for anything. I am sure going to miss her on my mission but let's be real.. a year and a half isn't that long. I love ya Heidi.
Some could say we are sister goals... I think we are. What makes us "sister goals" is the fact that our relationship is perfectly imperfect.