Hi friends. Everyone loves to be happy right? Recently, I have found that I am a happier person and definitely a more pleasant person to be around. This is because I have actively changed my attitude. I have done this because I grasped the concept of:
HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE. In any circumstance I can make myself happy. Did you know that there are studies that show if you just smile, you will become happier. Sometimes, I seriously have to "fake it, to make it" but it works. I slap a smile on my face and BOOM I'm so much happier. I love it. I am changing from a pessimist to a realistic optimist. I say realistic because I don't want to get crazy and think things are all fine and dandy when they are not. But when things aren't fine and dandy, my favorite thing to do is to find at least one thing that is positive from the situation. That one positive thought can go a long way, I promise. I encourage whoever is reading this to find those things that make you happy and keep them in your life. Make them common events, people, or things in your daily life. I am addicted to happiness. I can make anywhere my happy place because I have realized that there is no happy place. Happiness is a state of being and anywhere can be your happy place if you want it to be. Choosing to be happy is the best decision I make each morning.
My sources of happiness are infinite but a few things that I can always count on are my friends, family, and the gospel. I know I can always find a member of my family and they will put a smile on my face. I know that I can fall to my knees in prayer and become happy, I know that I can go to the temple and be instantly happy, and I know reading the scriptures and reading conference talks will always make me happy.
Thank you to those that have ever made me happy. Which is probably most of the people reading this because people who read my blog make me happy.
Here is a lovely picture of my wonderful family. They make me so happy and this picture not only makes me happy but makes me laugh and laughing is one of my favorite parts of happiness.