About two weeks ago my high school basketball career ended. If you read my post about cross country you know that I was excited for cross country to end but that is definitely not the case for basketball. I knew as the season started it would eventually come to an end, but I didn't think it was going to go by that fast. It honestly feels like yesterday when I was at my first day of tryouts as a freshman.
A year ago there would have been no way I would have been ready to give up basketball. I would have done anything to make it extend, and I guess that is why Heavenly Father gave me four years and through that fourth year He helped me grow so much so I would be ready for this hard time. Right when it ended it was difficult because our season didn't end on a happy note but as hard as it may seem to believe, I only cried for a second. ;) I love basketball and I love my team but I know that there are bigger and better things in store for me. Every time I get sad about it ending I tell myself that I am so excited for my mission and in order for that to happen basketball has to end.
This is definitely a bittersweet time for me and the rest of the people on my team. Basketball has taught me so much about life. I have learned how to work well with other people and how to push through physical barriers. During my high school basketball career I had to make a lot of adjustments which I don't like to do. I'm not one for change but basketball has helped me get use to that. I could write an entire book about everything my teammates have done for me. They have all been so supportive to me on and off the court and I love them all. We have gotten so close and some have turned into some of my closest friends. I know I could turn to them with anything and they would help me out. I'm really going to miss that, especially once high school ends. I already miss seeing them everyday and all the jokes that were made every practice.
My fellow seniors and me |
I am going to miss all hard work, sweat, close games, made shots and missed shots. I am even going to miss all the running during practice. It is so strange to think that next November I will not be at basketball tryouts running ladders and preparing for another intense season. Instead I will be in college and preparing for a mission, moving to the next phase of my life. I look forward to what Heavenly Father has planned for me. Basketball has definitely strengthened my testimony of hard work and so many other things.
Thank you to those who have supported me at any time during my basketball journey. I am extremely sad to see it end because basketball has taught me way more than just basketball.