Alright so that was crazy, I blinked and my senior year was over and I was walking across the stage to graduate. WEIRD. It feels like yesterday that I was writing my "Last First Day of School Post". In that post I said that my first day of school went smooth and I remember while I was writing that I said a little prayer asking for all of my days to go like that. I promise you they did not. Don't get me wrong, my senior year included lots of great days but it also included days that involved mental break downs and lots of tears.
Through all the bad days and all the good days I learned so much through my senior year. I learned academic stuff, that I love chic fil a too much, but most of all I learned that I have so many people in my life that love and support me. I made so many new friends and strengthened friendships that I already had. I look back on my senior year and I think about everything and I realize that everything happened for a reason.
My senior year brought so many lasts and honestly, a lot of them made me super sad. I tried to act like I was fine but they hurt. They hurt me just like they hurt everyone else. I had to look around and tell myself that I was not the only one going through this. I am not the only one that is growing up. I am also not the only person that has had to do this. That is part of how I got through my senior year, looking around at all the amazing examples I have in my life and telling myself I could do it because they did and they all turned out great.
I took early morning seminary because I'm kind of crazy and I loved every second of it. I made so many friends and got to start my day with feeling The Spirit. Taking early morning is definitely one of the best choices I have ever made. I met so many amazing people that have changed my life forever. I owe a lot of the great days during my senior year to my early morning class and my seminary teacher.
If my kids are reading this, remember you can do hard things. That includes high school. It is a weird kind of hard that feels like it shouldn't be hard but it is. I promise you can do it if you put yourself in the right situation. Surround yourself with great friends, great values, and a great testimony.
Some of you may ask what is next for me in life. Well that is college for a year and then a mission. After that I have a pretty solid idea what I what to do but nothing is set in stone. Thank you to all that helped me get through this chapter in my life.You guys are great.
Also, here are some graduation pics.