Both of my parents were at girls camp with me and it was seriously so awesome to share this with them. I was totally overwhelmed with love. I have always known I have a pretty big support group behind me but I was completely overwhelmed with the love that was shown to me up there. I know that Heavenly Father and Christ were aware of everything I needed there. There was always someone or something to pick me up, mentally, physically, and spiritually. It was so incredible. I don't even know how to describe it. I truly felt charity especially from the people I was serving with on the stake camp committee and from a few other leaders.
Girls camp is such a unique place. Not many other places can you gather 12-18 year old girls that are all so eager to learn about their Savior. The Spirit at our stake property is already insane but you add 150 people who are constantly seeking Christ and The Spirit of God and it gets to the point where your heart is always burning and pounding a million times a minute. Its one of my favorite places on this earth. If you've ever been up to our stake property, consider yourself a lucky soul. I also love the stars that we can see up there. This week, there was not night I was in bed before 1 in the a.m. There were a few factors in this but one of them was definitely the stars. I love looking at them and thinking about how many there are. They are so beautiful and I know Heavenly Father loves it when we enjoy His creations.
Children, all I'm saying is you need to go to girls camp. If you are a teenage girl you bet your bottom dollar you will be at girls camp. If you're a boy it may be a little trickier to find your way to girls camp, but if you are ever invited as a priesthood holder, bishopric member, or stake presidency member, take it. Take the chance and run, run fast. Its so worth it. It will be an unforgettable opportunity.
Thank you to those up at girls camp with me. It was such an amazing experience and I am so glad I got to spend it with such incredible women. Some of you helped me in just the ways I needed and in ways I wouldn't have been able to get anywhere else. (more pics to come)
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Love. So. Much.