Monday, June 18, 2018

Hola from Virginia

Hola Amigos!

This week we had interviews with President and it was great. He talked to me about Matthew 14 when the apostles are sent to travel the Galilee during the night and the only traveled about 4 miles the entire night. Then Christ comes at the 4th watch which would be between 3 and 6 in the morning.  He let the struggle all night and then went and saved them. Why did he let them struggle all night? Why does the Savior let us go until we almost break? The answer is we don't know. The point is we worship a 4th watch God and that is just the way it is. I know that He lets us struggle for a reason and I know He will always come and help us even if it is not until the 4th watch.

Back in March we were trying to contact all the members that live in our area and we went to this house and met Jorge. Jorge is the ex husband to the member. We gave him a Book of Mormon but never really went back because he didn't seem that interested. A few weeks later I added him on Facebook not knowing it was him. We started talking and he told me that I had come to his house and given him a Book of Mormon. So I asked him if he had a chance to read it. He said that his ex wife took the book but he wanted to read it. So we went back and gave him a new  one. We tried to set up an appointment but we could never get the 3rd female thing to work out. So I just talked to him on Facebook every now and then.  Well he recently messaged me saying that he had a question and then we were able to set up an appointment and teach him and his kids! I love Facebook and am so grateful we have it to use as a tool to do the Lord's work.

We had dinner with members on Sunday and we had cafe rio so that was a blessing!!!

We had Stake conference this week and a 70 visited the stake I am serving in. Elder Sinclair shared so many great things. A few things were that we need to be quick to help and slow to judge. The atonement of Jesus Christ makes things better than what they were before. We need to change our perspective so we can change others. Our purpose is to invite others to partake of the healing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

I love you all and hope you have a great week!!!

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