Monday, September 3, 2018

"I Saw a Civil War Captain in my Backyard"

oh let me explain the subject line real fast hahah!

So on exchanges we had the weirdest member meal I have ever had. Its a single guy so all 4 of us went over and ate some fried chicken. He is a less active who has apparently seen a lot of weird stuff including:the 3 Nephites, John the beloved, the holy ghost, a red orb, and a civil war captain in his backyard that waved at him. super odd and the weirdest member meal I have ever had on my mission.

Hola amigos!

This week we went on two exchanges and we went finding all day every day. It was great. I love talking to people about the restored gospel and finding is the best way to do that. We gave away a lot of Book of Mormons and set up some return appointments for the sisters so that was great. :)

This week we had two appointments with Henry. He came to church and he has been reading the Book of Mormon a lot. We had an appointment with the elders in Stafford and he is going to start going there because he lives in their boundaries. It was so sad but it will be good for him. :)

We had a lesson with Rosario, Miguel and their kids this week with our ward mission leader and it was so great! We started with the song, Families can be together Forever and it was the best. The spirit is so strong in their tiny little town home. All 7 of them came to church and they loved it. Rosario has been reading the Book of Mormon with her kids and they understand it! Also, we asked if they liked church and they said they liked it a lot better than their last church so that was awesome!  They are being fellowhshipped really well and the branch loves them. Families are inviting them over and its so great.

We have been finding a lot and talking to some really cool people and I just love testifying of the restoration and the Book of Mormon. I know it is true and it really is the word of God. I know that Christ has restored his church and that we have the fullness of the gospel on the earth again.

I hope you have a great week! I love you all!

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