Thursday, October 22, 2015

That Time When I Ran Cross Country

On October 21st, 2015 I completed my last race of my high school career. I have never felt so relieved after a race, especially since I stayed on my feet. I've ran for Murray High School all four years, and it is one of the hardest things I have done. When I mention that I run cross country, people always ask if I am crazy. Before, during, and right after every race I learned more and more that I am a little insane. Cross country is hard, but so if life. When running a race and running through life I do my best to keep my Heavenly Father right by my side. I know through him I can get through the tough times. Through cross country I learned so many things and met the most amazing people, some who have become my closest friends.

Running is 90 percent mental. I had to break through some major walls in my head to become successful. If it were possible I would just turn my brain off for the 20 minutes. Before every race we pray as a team and I know that because we do that we perform better and have The Spirit with us as we run. There have been times in my races that I heard a whisper that just said "Keep going, I know its hard, but you've got this". Then I would somehow find energy to push through all the pain and keep going. (After all 22 minutes isn't that long right?)  Something I learned from cross country is that our bodies are amazing. They can accomplish so much more than we think they can. I would have never guessed that I could run so many 5K's at the pace that I have. Our bodies are so strong and capable of so much. Do you know why that is? It is because they were designed and crafted by the most powerful being in this universe. I don't know about you but I think that is amazing. Cross country has given my confidence in my body, and in myself. I had the most amazing coaches,
teammates, and all around program. I was never that serious about cross country and honestly, neither is the Murray team. We work hard but its still fun. Our coaches make it so we actually want to come because they are fun, and we are fun.

One of my favorite things about cross country is that we aren't like a normal sports team. We had serious athletes but we also have some of the smartest kids in the school on our team. Yes, we are all awkward but somehow we still manage to get to know each other. I have gotten to know kids I would have never even thought about socializing with. We are like one big family that is all so different, yet we are all the same. I would not trade my time on the cross country team for anything because of how it had brought me closer my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

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