Anyways, I'll get back to my post. 2016 was pretty eventful and a milestone year for me. The first five months of the year I spent them in school, high school, doing what I always did the second half of the school year. Playing basketball and then on to softball. My senior softball season was awesome and I had so much fun. My nephew was born, and he is seriously the cutest person alive. Then somehow I found myself ending my high school life at graduation. Boy, was that weird. Then I went on a road trip of a life time with three of my friends and had the best time. This summer was so different compared to all the summers I have experienced. I didn't have a single tournament. It was kind of sad but it was nice to be able to relax and spend time with my family and friends. I dreaded the ending to an awesome summer. I was having so much fun with little responsibility and everything was going exactly how I wanted it to. Starting college was a step in my life I always knew I was going to do but it scared me so badly. Well, I put my big girl pants on and went to school and it wasn't so bad. My fall went like this: got to school, go to work, go home, repeat. It got pretty tiring but it wasn't so bad and I have a really awesome job.

Overall 2016 was pretty great but that definitely does not mean it was easy. There were times of extreme happiness and some times of extreme sadness. With every day and trial that comes and goes I am more and more thankful for the gospel and my family. There is no way I could go through the years and not go to my knees and ask my Father in Heaven for guidance or help. I can think of specific times where I asked God to show me His love for me and little things would happen. I would notice how beautiful the sun is, my mom would make me breakfast or dinner, or a friend would text me and check in on me. Not one time has my Father in heaven failed me. As time goes by my testimony grows more and more, I appreciate the things that are most important in life. I am so thankful for those who were apart of my 2016. Every person in my life has taught me something about life. I want every person reading this to know that God lives and He loves you and He will help you through anything you are going through.
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