Monday, March 12, 2018

What is Fibula in Spanish?

Hello friends! :)

This week has been a little slow in the Spanish work of Staunton, Virginia. It was full of talking to a lot of people and being told, there aren't many Hispanics here, so good luck! They may be right but there is someone here ready to hear the gospel and we will find them.

We had zone conference this week and it was super good. We talked  a lot about how your attitude determines everything. it is a great reminder especially when we are in a place that is not filled with too many Hispanics. But we have the right attitude and we know the work is going to continue here. :) President Smith talked March Madness and I was talking to him a little later and said that was not fair haha! But he did inform me that Virginia is the number 1 seed!  Go Virginia! I was actually in Charlottesville for zone conference and that is where the university is! So that is cool :)

We had a  lesson with our friend Jose, the guy from church last week. It was so awesome. He said that the two churches that have always stuck out to him were the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses. He has been reading and listening to the Book of Mormon. As of Saturday, he was on 1 Nefi 7!  He loves it. We had a really powerful lesson with him as we taught him the Restoration. He is a little bit older and suffers with gout. So he has a lot of pain in his knees. Our branch president offered to give him a blessing so we explained the priesthood. It is so cool to tell people that we have the same power and authority that Christ had when He was on the earth. I love to tell people that, because its true! The next day Jose came to church and said the pain in his knees was gone! How crazy is that? He thinks its so cool. Sadly he came to church and hour late because he didn't know about daylight savings.. haha! Something cool about Jose, he was a doctor in Cuba. Sometimes its hard to connect with older Hispanic men and build a relationship but Jose is so cool and he teaches me anatomy. :) He pulled out his phone and got an app out and explained about the pain in his knees. So I am learning the bones in Spanish. A lot of them are the same haha but some are different like fibula is el peronĂ©. Still getting my anatomy fix:)

There are so many churches in Virginia. Not like Utah were they are all Mormon but it feels like there are just as many churches here in Virginia haha.

 As I learn more about the Savior, I learn more of His atonement and how necessary the sacrifice was. There is a quote from The Infinite Atonement I really like. It says "He took upon him infinite suffering, but chose to defend with only mortal facilities, with but  one exception--his godhood was summoned to hold off unconsciousness and earth that would otherwise overpower a mere mortal when he reached his threshold of pain. For the Savior, however there would be no such relief. His divinity would be called upon, not to immunize him from pain, but to enlarge the receptacle that would hold it. He simply brought a larger cup to hold the bitter drink." I love this quote. I feel like it shows the kind of love the Savior has for us. His Godhood could have defended Him from the pain but he chose to not use that power so that we could be Saved. But he did used his Godhood to stay awake and alive so that he could be sure to feel of every pain, affliction and sorrow that would ever come to mankind. That is infinite love. I am so grateful for a  Savior that was willing to do that for me. He is why I am in Virginia. I want everyone to know of His love.

I love you all and hope you had a good week :)

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