Monday, March 26, 2018

Snowy Staunton = Miracles

Hola amigos!!

This week has been so so great. On Wednesday it snowed all day long. We couldn't even drive until 1:00. One of our investigators works for our branch presdient but we were just at his house and President Lagos was home so we knew our investigator would be home. So we went to his house and his brother answered. His brother's name is Arnulfo... haha! He answered the door and we started talking to him and all of the sudden he says "Do you speak English? I would rather speak in English." In a super thick New Yorker accent haha. He lived in New York for 38 years and was also a doctor! At first he didn't really want to listen to us so we were trying to explain what we believed and his brother, Jose (the one who has been coming to church) kept saying "this is what I believe". Then Jose told him the story of Joseph Smith. Basically Jose thinks he is already a member haha. Once we explained to Arnulfo why we have the Book of Mormon, he relaxed and let us talk a little more and he really liked what we had to say.  We were getting up to leave and he gave me a hug... it was so weird... Then we explained to him that we can't hug men.. haha! But he just told us that he really likes us and he likes it when we are at his house. Then we went back on Saturday and taught him the restoration and he says that whenever he reads from the Book of Mormon he gets goosebumps. Then on Sunday Arnulfo and Jose came to church and Jose asked me "what do I need to do to become a missionary like you guys and help people in other countries?" It has been really hard to sit Jose down and teach him and tell him why we keep coming to his house so I took advantage of this and told him that he needed to be baptized but before he was baptized we need to teach him and that's why we keep coming over... so before he left church he made sure to tell us to come over tomorrow! So we are excited!

Friday was full of miracles. We went to a town that is like 20 minutes away where there are more Hispanics and we found 2 new investigators! Then we were finding in Staunton that night and we had one more house that we needed to try and we were soooo tired. We didn't want to keep going and it looked like we were in a pretty not Hispanic neighborhood but we just tried the last house. We knock and this white guy answers and we tell him who we are and that we share a message about Jesus Christ. He said "let me see if you can come in" then he leaves. He comes back and invites us in and we ask where he is from and he says Peru. We were so stoked so we started speaking in Spanish to this super cute older Peruvian couple and we shared the Prince of Peace video! Then we asked if they had heard of our church before and they said yes because Yenni (the wife) has a sister who is a member and her nephew is a missionary in Peru!!! So we talked with them for a while and it was so great. They want us to come back and Yenni kept saying "God brought you to us". We can't go back for a couple of weeks because Rolando is going out of town for his job but hopefully we can go back and visit Yenni! We are so excited. They are so cool :):)

I have been studying the last week of the Savior's life and it has been amazing. President Smith actually gave us a study guide thing that has been super helpful. (I will attach a picture, Then all day yesterday we have listened to The Lamb of God. Its amazing. I have also been reading Jesus The Christ and with all of this I have really been reflecting on and learning more about the Savior. He really came and lived a mortal life for us because He love us. He arose after 3 days and because He did, we will too. He came to save us. Salvation is free for everyone but He has also given us a chance to exaltation. Through repentance and using the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can live with our families forever in the presence of God. I know that He lives.

I love you all and hope you have a great week and a great Easter. We have such an incredible opportunity to listen to and sustain Russell M. Nelson as prophet! I am so grateful that God loves us enough to give us the restored gospel.

Happy Easter! He is risen!

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