Monday, May 7, 2018

Alejandro the Aloe Plant

Hola amigos!!

It's weird that I hit my half way. I have a lot of mixed emotions about it.

I had no idea that there was a fire here in Virginia. I am in the valley so maybe the mountains are blocking the smoke... I don't know haha. Cory came and found me at the gas station this week. It was so odd  but good to talk to her for a couple minutes and she gave me some bread that reminded me of your bread :)

On Tuesday we had another park meeting to give a guy a Book of Mormon. He is super cool.  He wanted to know where his dad was because he passed away a couple of years ago so we told him on facebook that we had an answer in a book! So we met him and gave it to him and now we are meeting him again tonight to talk about what he read!

Then we headed over to this less actives house, David to talk to him but we saw this other guy Kevin. We met Kevin like a month ago at the branch president's house and we had dinner with him but we didn't have a way to contact him but turns out Kevin lives in the same house as David. So we talked to Kevin for a good 40 minutes about why we are missionaries and how come there are so many religions. He was really interested in what we were saying and we are going to meet with him tonight too!

Then we had our lesson with David and it was so powerful. The Spirit was so strong you could almost touch it.  We were prompted to share Mosiah 2:21-24 with him and talk about how God will bless him so much when he starts to keep his commandments again. It was crazy. I never thought the Spirit would be so strong somehwere where two missionaries are sitting outside with the door open and someone else sitting inside (we couldn't go in because we didn't have a third female) but it was insane.

On Wednesday we had a lesson with a guy, Filemon and his son. We taught a spanglish restoration and then asked Filemon that if he knew it were true if he would get baptized and he said yes. So thats exciting. He says he is going to read the whole Book of Mormon because he loves to read. :) We have another lesson with them tomorrow.

We met with Arturo again. We taught the second half of the plan of Salvation and he had read the whole pamphlet and had some questions. So we explained the three kingdoms of glory and Hermana Ashcraft was able to ask him if he knew these things were true if he would get baptized... and he said yes. So that was exciting. The spirit was super strong during that lesson. We haven't heard from him for a while we are getting a little nervous but hopefully we will be able to extend a baptismal date to him this week!

On Thursday we had a super funny and awkward missionary experience. Hermana Ashcraft had been talking to this super cool guy on facebook for like 2 weeks and we thought we were going to meet him to give him a book of Mormon but he never responded. We were pretty sad but we moved on, well this week we totally tracted into him! It was hilarious. We were talking to his dad (in english) and his dad nicely told us they already had a church then I switched the conversation to spanish and he invited us back! It was awesome. We are going back this week :)

Last week we had an interaction with a lady named Pollie on the street and she asked us to pray for her daughter who was having surgery to remove her cancer. So we prayed for her all week and we went back to see how things went and we talked with Pollie for a while about so many different things. She has talked to missionaries before and even has a Book  of Mormon. Then she asked us how we do our work without being too pushy. So we started to explain that Jesus came to the Americas and we have a record of it. The she said "What? Jesus came here? That is so cool." And then we were like "See how we just got you interested? that is how we get them" hahah it was funny but we wrote down the page number of 3 Nephi 11 and she is going to read it. Sometime during the conversation she said "maybe I will become a mormon"haha.

On friday, we met Victor. Funny story of how we found him. I had been talking to this guy on facebook but he wasn't super interested and he is way busy so I asked him if he knew of anyone I could talk about Jesus with and he said "let me ask a couple of my friends." Then a couple minutes later he was like "you can talk to my brother, here is his phone number". So we texted him and set up an appointment and then taught him. He is super humble and has a lot of good questions. He asked us what we thought about there being a prophet and apostles on the earth. So we showed him 2 Nephi 29:9 and talkeda bout how if God is the same, he would call  a prophet. He thought it was interesting and he is excited to read the Book of Mormon and we will be meeting with him this week :)

On Saturday we went to the farmers market.. a member from the english ward said some hispanics go there. So we went and the only hispanics there were selling some plants. So we hung out for a while and they didn't come ask us if we needed help or anything so we decided that we needed to buy something so we could talk to them... so we bought an aloe plant haha! So now we have Alejandro the aloe plant and we didin't do that great of a job talking with them so we will probably have to go back next week haha!

it was a great week here in Staunton! I hope you all have a good week!

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