Monday, May 14, 2018

Well, I Touched Pumba Today

Hola amigos!

On Monday we met Ervin and his brother Gustavo in the park to teach them and we taught the restoration to them and it was awesome. Ervin loved it. Gustavo really likes us but he is not super open to the gospel right now. Later that week we were driving through a neighborhood looking for some Cubans because someone told us that they had moved into the neighborhood and we see Gustavo sitting outside his house. (Keep in mind, we did not know where he lived because we always met them in the park) So we talked to him for a little bit and then he told us the Cubans are his wife and her family lol! Gustavo told us we should work for the FBI because we are really good at finding all the Hispanics hahah! Later that week we met with Ervin and he was telling us about how he wanted to be clean so we talked about baptism and asked if that is something he wanted. He said he needs more time but he said he would pray about it. We are going to meet with him tonight :)

We had exchanges this week and Sister Bate and I had a lesson in the park with Eloy (a guy from Facebook who wanted to know where his dad is, because his dad passed away 2 years ago). He had read Alma 40, the introduction, the testimonies of the witnesses and the testimony of Joseph Smith. SO AWESOME. Sister Bate doesn't speak Spanish and Eloy doesn't speak English so it was just me and the Spirit on this lesson but it worked out so well. He wanted to know who Joseph Smith was so we talked about the restoration and then he asked "How do I know if Joseph Smith really was a prophet?" I was stoked. So we talked about prayer and the Spirit. Then he asked what are the things we "can't do" in our church. So i briefly explained the word of wisdom and he doesn't drink or smoke! So that was exciting. He committed to read every single day and pray to know if it is true and he said he would get baptized if he knows its true!! So awesome :))

We tried a house the elders said they say a Hispanic at and we talked to Julieta. She remembers meeting with missionaries when she was little in Waynesboro :) She was really excited to take a Book of Mormon and asked for a second one in Spanish so her husband can read it :)

On Saturday there was a baptism in our branch and wow the Spirit was so strong. It was incredible. When Maria got up and shared her testimony about the prophet Joseph Smith it was amazing. You can just tell that she knows without a doubt in her mind that this is the church of Jesus Christ.

I loved the phone call so much. I get nervous before them because I know that I won't want to hang up. I love and miss you guys so much but grandpa Larrabee is right. I am having too much fun :) I love this work with all of my heart. I LOVE YOU GUYS.

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