Monday, August 13, 2018

3 Exchanges Later

Hola amigos!!

Its been rainy and stormy here in the VA. But its been great! We went on three exchanges this week. I know that really doesn't mean a ton to everyone else but it really is a lot and I pretty much lived out of a suitcase haha. It was a lot of fun! Two of the exchanges were up in Stafford. I was there in January and February (that feels like yesterday but I realized that is like 6 months ago haha) It was so fun to be up there again! For one of the exchanges I was in a trio with two other sisters and we were tracting in an apartment complex and a lady opened the door and was pretty closed off because she is a firm believer in the bible to us but I felt prompted to ask her "If God gave more of His word, would you read it?" Well, she answered yes and as we explained the Book of Mormon she got excited and pretty much asked us to come back! It was super awesome.

The next day I was with a different sister who is newer to the mission and we knocked on a door and she explained the Book of Mormon and offered it to this man and he politely said no and went to shut the door. I pretty much put my foot in the door and asked "If you could ask God any question, what would you ask?" and he asked about how God did everything and made plan and how everything works. I told him there was a chapter in the Book of Mormon that could answer his question and he said that sounded super interesting and he would want to read it! "Questions of the soul..." they really work :)

Later in the exchange I was with Sister Ulrich and one of our lessons fell through so she felt prompted to go try this referral for the billionth time and we went and this lady was there and she is SO PREPARED. She  is going through a rough divorce and has 5 kids. Her mom is a convert as of a couple of years ago and lives in Arizona. This woman is looking to get closer to God and wants to come to church and take all of her kids. She asked for a Book of Mormon. The elders had met her a couple weeks earlier and she willingly gave them her phone number and address which she said is not normal. She was nervous about two guys coming to her house but she actually lives in the sisters area and is a lot more comfortable with that. She is so excited to start meeting with them. It was a miracle!

Transfers are this week but Hermana Clark and I are both staying here in Fredericksburg as Sister Training Leaders so we are both really excited about that! :)

This week I was reading in Alma 12:24. It says that this life is to repent and prepare to meet God and I know that is true. Repenting is making positive changes in life to become closer to God and I know that is the only way to become better. I love that we are given that chance to change. My hope is that we can all be repenting and changing every day. I know it is possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is the only way to return to our Father in Heaven. I love the Book of Mormon and my Savior, Jesus Christ.

I love you all!

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