Monday, August 20, 2018

Convinced My Comp to go to Church ;)

Hola amigos,

We will be doing 8 exchanges in the next 4 or 5 weeks. We teach young women's every Sunday! We just teach every Sunday though, we don't do week night activities.

On Tuesday we had an another lesson with Henry (the guy from Facebook) he committed to come to church and he is still reading and praying about the Book of Mormon! He is so awesome!

On Wednesday we were in a trio with Sister Hansen! She just finished her first transfer in the mission field! That was the day of transfers and she was waiting for her new companion so she went out with us! We went tracting and knocked on this door and we talked to Pam! She said she already went to a church but after we explained the Book of Mormon and talked about Jesus Christ's earthly ministry in the Americas she was super interested and really wanted to read the Book of Mormon! We were excited to give her away as a referral :)

We also knocked into this lady, Rosario. We taught sister Hansen how to say "We are missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" so that is how she introduced us! Then Rosario invited us in... We walk in and there is a four year old girl laying right inside the door. We thought that she was dead but she was just sleeping.. The walls looked like it had been remodeled or something and the only piece of furniture was a booth thing from a restaurant pushed up against the wall. We taught her the restoration and invited her to read the introduction to the Book of Mormon. She told us that they are a family of 7 who is about to get kicked out of their house because they can't pay for it and they don't have anywhere to go. Her husband just barely got a job but is diabetic so they have other things they have to pay for. But she is wanting to learn more and to come closer to Jesus Christ. We are excited to keep teaching them!

Also, we got a referral, Ingrid, from a member. This member walked us to her house and we taught her the restoration and she told us that she has contemplated many times the question, "why are there so many churches and which is true?" So we were able to help her understand the apostasy. She and her husband are super nice and are really willing to learn more! We have another appointment set up for tonight.

On Saturday and Sunday I was sick and couldn't leave the apartment but i convinced my companion to let us go to church! We went and Henry came and he stayed for all three hours! He apparently left priesthood with a huge smile on his face. Our elders quorum president explained that one day he could hold the priesthood and bless his family and apparently that made him super pumped! After church he said he wanted to meet with us on Monday and ask a bunch of questions! We are excited. We are probably going to end up passing him off to the Stafford elders because we think he lives in their boundaries but we ares super excited for him!

Then we went home and i slept because I was sick and our ac broke so our apartment was like 86 degrees... but we got it fixed! Yay!

On Friday we had a Mission leadership council and President Smith said something that really stuck out to me. He said "If our message was easily accepted or understood, it wouldn't be of God." I know that is true! God's word has been rejected throughout all of history and will continue to be rejected. Satan knows how important and true the gospel of Jesus Christ is and he does whatever he can to get people to reject it. I know that the message of the plan of Salvation and the restored gospel changes people's lives for eternity. I know Jesus Christ overcame death to redeem us spiritually and physically.

I love you all!

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