This week was super mellow. We did not find many people to teach and none of the investigators we are teaching came to church. It was a little sad but its okay. We have been planning a huge party for the day after thanksgiving. We are hoping to fine people through this event. We were told by the guy over all the spanish areas of our mission, President Zobrist that if we want to find hispanic people we need to do less knocking and more partying because that is how we will find the hispanics. So that is what we are trying to do. It should be super awesome and I am pretty excited. Our branch has really helped us figure everything out for it. It should be really great! So more news on that next week!
We have also been using a lot of facebook to try and find people. We changed our approach and just started talking to people instead of introducing ourselves as missionaries. Its is a lot more effective and several people said they would come to church. We are still working to actually get them there but there are some promising people!
We went on exchanges again with the sister training leaders and we knocked and found this guy, Arlwin. (he is american so we will not be teaching him) But at first he was trying to not listen to what we have to say but we gave him a book of Mormon and told him about it and he was super interested and said he may take a day off of work and come to church so that is super cool! :)
We brought some teenage members out with us one night and we came upon someone who only speak Portuguese and we had one Portuguese Book of Mormon in our car and we were able to give it to her! I could not understand her very well but the member is actually trying to learn Portuguese and she was able to explain it and give it to her it was super cool!
We were able to watch the Face to Face last night for the Young Single adults and it was amazing. I love Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard. They are both so blunt in their answers to the questions they were asked it is awesome. You should definitely watch it if you have time. And they are super funny!
On Thursday, we are going to a members house to eat... but other than that we don't have much planned. We may go around to some less actives and to people who don't have family here and invite them to the party the next day!
I use my Spanish every day. Some days more than others but I do use it every day. It is slowly improving. I feel comfortable explaining the Book of Mormon in Spanish and basic stuff like that. It is nice to use Facebook and practice my Spanish that way because I get to think about what to say and then ask Hermana Coleman if I am saying it correctly but that has made my Spanish really improve.
Currently our progressing investigators are mexican, from ecuador, and the dominican republic but its super diverse here. There are a lot of people from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Cuba, and some Peru.
I love teaching the Restoration. It is so powerful and I love teaching about the Book of Mormon. That book is so incredible. I love teaching about Joseph Smith and a lot of the time people accept that he is a prophet because the Spirit testifies to them. It is just so cool. We have yet to teach the Law of Chasity but we are going to have to soon and I am super nervous. So that would probably be my least favorite haha!
I am so thankful for our branch. We have some amazing families that work so hard to keep the branch running. I am so thankful for the Book of Mormon and the guidance it provides in my life. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn spanish. It can be super hard and frustrating at times but it is super cool to learn another language. I am so thankful for the support system I have. My family is so incredible and I have so awesome friends who are supporting me. I can really feel the love. I am thankful for modern day revelation. Its so awesome that God trusts us enough to have his gospel on the earth again. I am thankful for the opportunity to be the Lord's instrument and servant. I am thankful I am able to dedicate 24 hours a day to His work. I know I will not have this opportunity ever again and I am doing my best to be the best I can be.
I love you all and hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
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For advertising purposes one of the elders dressed up as Santa for our district meeting |
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