The weather is weird. We have only had like one cold day. The trees are starting to get super pretty. I will try to get some good pictures this week! Halloween was weird. We did not have a single trick or treat-er and we cleaned for 4 hours. It was kind of insane.
This week we taught a new investigator, Dayana. She is so cool. She is super receptive to the gospel and when we told her that we have a living prophet on the earth today she said "wow, I didn't know that, but that is super cool." She loved the first vision and really felt like that was so cool. It was awesome and we have an appointment to teach her on tuesday. I am so excited.
Remember the 19 year old girl from last week?? Who is super cool? Well she is getting baptized on the 19th.... but into a different church. She basically told us not to come back. It was one of the most discouraging things. We really felt like she was prepared and it just was super rough. But that was the same day as our baptism so that was super awesome!
Christopher and Gerardo have been taught by a million missionaries for over a year. So everyone knew they would be baptized but they didn't know which missionaries would make it happen. There baptism was so awesome and the Spirit was so strong. Everything was perfect except the fact that the font water heater was broken so they got baptized in freezing water. They bore there testimonies afterwards and it was so cool. When they first came in contact with missionaries, they wanted nothing to do with them and now they love the gospel so much. It is so cool how much people can change because of this gospel.
We are also meeting with a recent convert, Joaquin. He is so cool. He is 15 and hasn't been to church for a while but he came on sunday and participated in sunday school and everything! It was so awesome.
Remember Angel from a couple of weeks ago? Well we were at his house last night and right when we were leaving he stopped us and said "I don't want to be baptized, but if I did, what classes would I have to take?" Then we told him it was just the lessons taught by us, and he said "well we should start doing that.." So that was super awesome!! It will be a while before that happens because he has some marriage stuff that needs to happen but i think it will happen one day!
Anyways, that is another week in Virginia. It was a good one! Stay tuned for more!
I love you all so much!!
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