Monday, January 15, 2018

Last Week in Henrico

Hola amigos!! 

Your relief society lesson is awesome. I have had a self check on what "my rudder" is this week. Is it wanting to find people and teach people for numbers and so we will look good to the mission president or is it because I love the gospel and want everyone to have it? I love this gospel and this work and that is why I am here. It has been good to check and make sure that I have the right mindset for this work :)

This week has been super cool! We have been teaching this couple, Angel and Gisella since I got to Virginia and this week, We put them on date for baptism!!! We were having a lesson with them and it was getting late. We had like 5 minutes before we needed to leave but we felt like we should extend the baptismal invitation. We had been talking about the plan of salvation and we just finished talking about the 3 kingdoms of glory. Gisella was excited but Angel was pretty tentative to accept the date. We explained that it is like a goal to work towards and he said yes! Then they came to church on Sunday!!

On Friday we were able to watch President Monson's funeral and that was really great. I am so grateful that we have been given prophets to guide the church today. We are so blessed to have that. I am also happy that President Monson is with his wife and is no longer suffering physical pain.

We went to a recent convert's house, Joaquin, to teach him about faith and the lesson was going really well. Then his mom came in (she has investigated the church before but then loss interest) and some things happened with her boyfriend and she was pretty upset. She sat down with us and we talked to her about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how it can help her through all of her problems. She said she wanted to start coming to church again. She came on Sunday! She brought Joaquin (who hasn't been to church for 2 months), and the rest of her family! It was so so awesome!! Our church starts at 1:50 which is super late but its nice because more people are coming! We had another less active that we have been working with come to church and she hasn't come for over 2 years!! It is so awesome!!

On Saturday we got the call saying I will be leaving Henrico. I am super super thankful for the time that I have had to serve here. This branch is so amazing! I am excited to go to a different part of Virginia and serve! I will let you know about an address next Monday!

I love you all so much!!
District pic! 
This lady asked if we wanted a picture with her so we said sure!

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