Like everything happened this week. We found 3 new investigators with some serious potential. One of them we knocked on the door and explained the Book of Mormon. It was super cold outside and he asked us "do you guys do this every day in the cold?" So we told him yes and we told him that we do it because it is so important and we want everyone to know about it. So then he told us to come back when everyone is home so we can share our message with everyone! So that was awesome.
Crazy event of the week, we went to go knock on a formers door and there were chickens walking around everywhere. I got a little nervous because loose animals kind of make me nervous. But we get out of the car and this dog starts barking at us so we look at each other and say.. .can we get back in the car? So we go and the dog starts chasing Hermana Clark around the dog and it was barking and growling. It was so sketchy. But we made it out alive.
On Friday we went to the Washington D.C. temple! It was so beautiful. We got there and then we went to a sealing room and talked to a sealer! Then we were able to do initiatory and an endowment session. The temple is so pretty. We were able to sit in the celestial room and it was such a spiritual experience. I don't think I stopped smiling the entire time I was in the temple. I felt like I was at home. haha! The Spirit is so strong. We were able to talk with the temple president and he told us that we should be learning something new about the Savior and His atonement every time we go to the temple. I loved that day so much. I will never forget it. After the temple we went to the visitor center and we talked with some missionaries and I talked with someone who had been companions with Emerie Mabey. So that was really cool!
On Saturday we were able to go a baptism for someone Hermana Clark taught when she was with the english sisters for a few weeks. His name is Mike and he is super awesome. The font was not filled too high so the first time he was baptized he did not go all the way under. So they had him kneel and he still didn't go all the way under. So they had him sit. He literally sat and his had was still above the water and that is how he was baptized. It was so awesome. I love hearing testimonies of recent converts. It is so powerful!
My Sundays are pretty routine... We wake up and do some studies but then we have branch council at 11:30 so we go to the church. Then we have church from 1-4. Then we have dinner, then we go find for the rest of the night. This week was cool because they do a linger longer to break their fast. So we got to eat with the whole branch :)
Investigators from last week. 2 were from Facebook. We are no longer teaching some of them. None of them were super interested but the ones from this week are promising.
The church is like a mile away from our apartment but we don't live in our area haha. It takes us like 8 minutes to get to our area each day. We have a chick fil a just out of our area but we have one a little more down south that we have gone to a few times :)
This week, one day the weather was super warm and then the rest it was freezing. Super cold like one day I wore two pairs of tights.
there are three sets of missionaries in the branch. We cover like 4 English wards haha. Then the other elders cover the rest of the stake.
I am glad to hear that the eagles won!! sorry mom... hahaha! We knocked on a house last night and they turned us away because they were watching the superbowl... I didn't know that Hispanics liked american football haha!
The story about cherri gave me the chills. It is so crazy that she was willing to send him in 3 weeks. That is some serious faith. I don't know if I would have been able to do that. That is so crazy.
I am giving a "training" in district meeting this week on the Brother of Jared. :) I love that story so much. I love that they had so much faith. I think that as a missionary, I am a stone. I have been "touched" by the Lord and given a calling. I get to be the light and guide the way. I can't do anything for my investigators but I can light the way. Just something cool that I thought about this week :)
I love you all so very much! Thanks mom and dad for everything you have done for me in my life and that you are doing even though I am across the country.
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