Monday, October 15, 2018

What keeps you from being baptized?

Hola amigos!

It got pretty crazy on Thursday. I accidentally drove through some standing water and it was super sketch the sister that was with me said that the whole front tire was under water and then we got splashed because someone was driving on the other side of the road so we couldn't see for a sec but we survived in one piece.

I have reread some of the conference talks and I love them! We watched all the sessions in English except the Sunday morning session. so that was nice. I can understand the Spanish fine but I don't like the voice over haha.

This week we went on three exchanges which makes for a busy week! The first one I was with Sister Dunn and we were knocking a street and we knocked a door and talked to a guy named JR and he seemed to know who we were... well it turns out he is a member but his wife has had some bad experiences in the church and won't let them go anymore. We had a really good discussion about how he misses the church so much. He sneaks down to his basement to read the Book of Mormon and he said he was going to try and read the conference talks because he misses that. It broke my heart a little bit that he couldn't come and take part in church but brought me comfort that he was doing what he could!

On another exchange we taught Robinson and  Zulma. They are the coolest. But we had invited our branch president but he couldn't come and the sister with me doesn't speak Spanish so I taught the lesson by myself which is always interesting... When we started the lesson Robinson asked me if I was a Mormon and I answered "Well, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." and he laughed and said that he wanted to hear that because he had read the prophet's talk! He is also in 2 Nefi 25 because he said instead of getting on social media when he has nothing to do, he reads the Book of Mormon because he wants to understand and know if it is true. So that was awesome. Then we started talking about faith, repentance and baptism. We read Mosiah 18:8-10. After verse 9 I asked them if their desire was to do those things (bear one another's burdens, mourn with those that mourn, comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in all places.) They both said yes and then as Robinson read verse 10 they both understood that if you are willing to do those things, then baptism is the next step. So we discussed that and Robinson said he needs more time just so he can be 100% sure but it was super awesome and super powerful. Afterwards they asked us to stay so they could feed us papusas and it was so great. They came to sacrament meeting the next day as well and we are meeting with them  tonight.

We haven't had a ton of contact with Rosario and Miguel but we went by yesterday and they were all sick. They have been to the doctor like 3 times this week but we have an appointment set for Wednesday and Friday this week. 

On Sunday we only had two young women in our lesson, one of them being Roxany and we can't go to her house right now because her dad doesn't like us so we were finally able to teach Roxany for the first time since she got baptized! It was super awesome :)

I have been reading in the Book of Mormon a lot and there was a verse that really touched me this week. Jacob 2;8 and it says "the word [of  God] which health the wounded soul". I just know with all my heart that this is true. The word of God literally heals people and brings us spiritual health. That is one of the many blessings of the Book of Mormon!

I love you all! Have a great week!

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