Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Start of my Blog Journey

So I am starting this blog, not necessarily because I want to but because I feel like I need to. I'm not sure if it is because I need it, a friend needs it, or because my children and grandchildren will enjoy it one day. I hope it is for all of these reasons but who knows? I've always thought blogging was intriguing but I have talked with a few people about it and The Spirit really made me feel like I need to do this. I am not really sure if anyone is going to read this but if you are, this is what it is going to be like. This will sort of be like a journal, actually a lot like a journal where I can share my experiences with learning with the internet world. Just for the record my thoughts are going to be super scattered so please forgive me.

I went to Girl's camp about two weeks ago and I had the most uplifting and spiritual experience of my life.But back up to December. In December I was trying to convince my parents to let me leave camp early to go to a basketball tournament but my dad told me that I needed to go to girls camp. He never said why he just said I needed to go. I fought him and fought him but finally gave up. I am going to take a solid guess and say that The Spirit was telling him I needed this. I am eternally grateful I went because I learned so much and loved every second of it.  First of all I gained a ton of new friends and made other friendships stronger and that was amazing.  I was also reminded that my Heavenly Father is always watching no matter what I am doing and will continue to always look out for me. I was taught that everything about God's plan is perfect. Some of it may be painful and be hard but it is all worth it and through Christ we can get through anything and everything . Our struggles are worth hearing about and worth fighting through. Don't just push them to the side. In my opinion, the best way to get through your struggles is to talk to someone you know will understand. So in other words, hit your knees and talk with our Savior. He understands and will help you with anything you need. These are just a few of the lessons I learned at camp, and I know I came out of there with a stronger testimony and a better outlook on life.  I am a better person after camp and wouldn't trade my experience for anything.  So a big shout out and thank you to all that made my experience worth it and amazing. If anyone has any questions at all let me know and I would be more than happy to answer them!


  1. Thank you Jennie. I needed to read this today. I love you.

  2. Thank you Jennie. I needed to read this today. I love you.

  3. You are amazing and I am excited for your new blog journey. ❤️

  4. Keep writing! I'm so glad you are doing it. You're pushing me to do the same. Sometimes I don't practice what I fervently believe in and preach (yikes!)
