This week was another roller-coaster ride. Sometimes I love it here and sometimes I feel like I am never going to get out of here. Last week I got like 30 emails through the week, no joke like 30 so I was constantly reminded of how loved I am and how many people are cheering me on. This week was not like that. I got like one a day and that was all. Which is still a lot and I know I should be thankful for that but it was rough. I know I shouldn't depend on other people to realize why I am here but it sure is nice to hear from home. But its all good. I love getting your emails through the week. Even if it just says "thinking of ya" I especially love the pictures. I miss you guys a lot!
This Sunday, we heard from M. Russell Ballard. So that was awesome. They broadcast it to all the MTCs in the world. But he talked about locking your heart and how God puts missionaries where they are suppose to be and when they are supposed to be there. I know that because so many things have happened here that would not happen without Heavenly Father.
We started teaching an investigator this week and she was this sweet old lady. Our Spanish is still bad and I feel like I speak like a 5 year old but its the thought that counts lol. But the Spirit was so strong in the lessons it was incredible. She was super interested in the Book of Mormon and when Christ came to the Americas so we had her read third Nephi chapters 11 and 12. On our third lesson we had a member come with us and she bore her testimony after we invited our investigator to be baptized and it was so powerful. Now I understand why people are supposed to go out with the missionaries. Especially if the missionaries don't speak the language well. Her testimony was incredible and it was one of the times that I felt the spirit the strongest here at the MTC. She then said she would go and pray about being baptized.
On Tuesday we heard form Elder Neil L. Anderson. So yes I have heard from three apostles while being here. Crazy right? He talked about not letting anyone extinguish your flame of faith. The Spirit was amazing. I was again reminded to "forget myself and go to work" I always need the reminder to forget myself and go to work because I start missing my family and friends and then start to feel bad for myself. Its super lame but its good that I get the reminder so often. He also talked about how people are being prepared for me to teach them and that was a great thing to remember because I always get nervous that I am going to come off as pushy or trying to shove the gospel in someone's face but I don't think that is what will be happening.
I got to play basketball again! Its hard to play because I can only guard girls! But I found one to play against and it was fun. Some elders make it sound like they have never seen a girl play basketball before. It makes me giggle a little! We also went and played spike ball as a district and that was super fun! I also played some 4 square! I love gym time because I see people I know on the tours. This week I saw Nathalia, you should have gotten a picture from her.... I also saw Brooke and Andrew Peterson! So that was cool! I love having the tours going because we get to see little kids all the time when normally its just a bunch of 18 and 19 year olds that act like little kids.
The time here is so weird because it feels like I didn't have a life before this but the days all blur together and I feel like I was just writing you guys!! I love you all so much! Thanks to people who have written me! You are helping me keep going! My testimony grows every day here. Its awesome, but I also don't want to stay here forever hahahah! but I need to stay longer because Spanish!
I love you all so much!!!
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All 3 Hermana Andersons in the zone. |
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